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Sales Premium Green Card 

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Kategoria e mjetit Primi vjetor 15            ditor 1              mujo 3              mujo 6             mujo
A   Autovetura 400 40 60 130 250
B1 Motorcikleta 180 15 20 40 100
B2 Motokaro 300 40 60 100 180
C1 Kamion per mallra nga 15-35 kv 850 90 140 300 540
C2 Kamion per mallra mbi 35 kv 1500 150 260 480 840
C3 Autoambulanca, makina funerali 1000 100 140 340 640
D Ciklomotor 80 10 15 30 60
E1 Autobuza nga 10 deri 19 vende 800 80 120 260 500
E2 Autobuza nga 20 deri 29 vende 1500 150 260 480 840
E3 Autobuza me 30 vende e lart 2100 210 320 720 1300
F1 Rimorkio kamion 200 25 40 80 120
F2 Rimorkio autobuza 250 35 50 85 150
F3 Rimorkio te tjera 200 25 40 80 120
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