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Sigma Interalbanian (VIG) wins Gunther Geyer Award

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Tirana : 30.10.2020


Sigma Interalbanian VIG wins Günter Geyer Award for Social Awareness.


Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is a company which offers a wide range of insurance products and services throughout Central and Eastern Europe. With over 50 subsidiaries, with approximately 25,000 employees in 25 states, VIG is an insurance group that best meets insurance needs in any business.

The roots of Vienna Insurance Group date back more than 200 years ago in Austria and since 2007 it is also present in Albania. Since 2012, VIG promotes employee participation in social activities in the service of society, and to this end, annually awards the Gunther Geyer Prize, three different companies in the group. This is a very important award for the Group, as it also has the name of the Chairman of the Board of the VIG Group.

Having been close to individuals and businesses for so many years, naturally comes the great responsibility not only to the customers of Sigma Interalbanian VIG, but also to the citizens in need. Our company has always been sensitive to these cases, contributing to alleviate their difficult situation.

We have been cooperating with the "Fundjavë Ndryshe" foundation for years, to identify the most needy cases. The entire staff of the company was very enthusiastic when it was proposed to help a group of children from Mamël village, and to contribute to their transportation to school. Equally enthusiastic were our shareholders in Vienna about this project, which was awarded the Gunther Geyer Prize, worth 20,000 Euros, which should be used again in the service of the community.


We consider education as the foundation of building a strong and valuable society. That was why we again supported a project that is about strengthening knowledge. We hope that the furnishing of the library at the "Solidarity Center", realized with these funds, will build not only a good collection of books, but a community of readers eager for knowledge.


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