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Our Values

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OUR VALUES   :  Diversity, Customer Relationship, Responsibility.


OUR PROMISE :  We enable our customers to live a safer and better life because we: Protect what matters to you!


Technical Capacity

The staff of the company, who has a very long experience in insurance, provides technical assistance and excellent customer service. We apply the knowledge gained in the training and continuous education of employees in our daily work, both in the design of insurance products, and in the way of approaching the client or handling claims. Portfolio Managers in collaboration with the Human Resources department, and under the Special Care of the Board of Directors, provide periodic training for sales staff, which essentially address key issues of insurance, insurance products, sales techniques, procedures and internal regulations of the company as well as the discussion of various problems encountered during their work.
The services of the company are offered through a wide range of standard products and services, but also insurance designed according to the needs of customers, be they individuals, companies or corporations. We are always careful that these products are clear, and complete, and we feel reasonable that the client should be very well informed before signing an insurance contract.

We: "Protect what matters to you!"

Trajtimi i Dëmeve Sigurim Shendeti.pdf Dokumentacioni per demet e prones.pdf Dokumentacioni per Deme motorike.pdf Dokumentacioni per Deme shendetesore.pdf Dokumentacioni per demet e kaskos.pdf Sigurimi i Aksidenteve Personale.pdf Sigurimi i shendetit ne Udhetim.pdf Annual Report 2016-compressed.pdf Annual Report 2017-compressed.pdf Annual Report 2018_compressed.pdf Annual Report 2019_G.PDF Annual Report 2020_final (1).pdf PROTOKOLLI_VERDHE_PERGJITHSHEM.pdf K_P_garanci kontrate_ALB.pdf KP_BANESA_SIVIG_06.12.2019.pdf KUSHTET E PERGJITHESHME TE SIGURIMIT TE MALLRAVE GJATE TRANSPORTIT.pdf Kushtet e Pergjithshme KJ.pdf Kushtet e Pergjithshme Kufitare.pdf Kushtet e Pergjithshme TPL.pdf FINAL CLEAN kontrata kasko me ndryshime.pdf K_P_Profesionale_Shqip.pdf G_T_Civile_Eng.pdf G_T_Proffesional_Eng.pdf K_P_Civile_Alb.pdf Raporti Vjetor 2021.pdf TRAVEL HEALTH Insurance GENERAL CONDITIONS_english.pdf General Conditions of Health Insurance.pdf General Condition of Personal Accident Insurance.pdf Konsolidimi i tregut të sigurimeve - Në vitin 2022 u paguan 55 milionë euro dëme - SHOQATA].pdf Raporti vjetor 2022 2023.07.27_Kushtet e Pergjitshme SHU_ALB.pdf KP_AP_SIVIG _Shendet.pdf 2024.07.12_Raport Vjetor 2023_Special Purpose Financial Statements.pdf