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Social Responsibilities

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Donate Blood

June is the month of Blood Donation for thalassemia children, so the staff of Sigma VIG decided to be part of this initiative.






Helping Families in need

Sigma Vienna Insurance Group joined the initiative of the organisation "Fundjava Ndryshe" to help families in need.





The story of Rajmonda, who always smiles despite challenges 

Rajmonda, is a lady who looks strong from the look and her smile manages to hide well all the problems in her life.





A day with children of Rrëshen

There is a very special connection of Austria with the North of Albania, and especially with Mirdita which they have chosen to help and support from time to time.





"Gjon Mili Jazz & Blues Festival", 2nd Edition 

Gjon Mili was a great albanian artist in the photography industry, also well - known contributor in the social - cultural profiles in United States and worldwide.





An excursion to the Karavasta Lagoon

Students of "Jashar Kola" school in Bulqizë and their teachers, organized an educational excursion in June 2023. 




Rotary Club - the first Albanian District 

Supporting the first Albanian Rotary District, which includes business clubs from Albania and Kosovo.





Automative Fair Albania, 2nd Edition

Focus on road safety.



A gesture of hope

Collecting plastic caps campaign, recycling and buying wheelchairs for disable people.




Festive lunch for senior citizens of public asylum in Tirana

Festive atmosphere for senior citizens and Sigma's employee to celebrate the end of 2023.



Trajtimi i Dëmeve Sigurim Shendeti.pdf Dokumentacioni per demet e prones.pdf Dokumentacioni per Deme motorike.pdf Dokumentacioni per Deme shendetesore.pdf Dokumentacioni per demet e kaskos.pdf Sigurimi i Aksidenteve Personale.pdf Sigurimi i shendetit ne Udhetim.pdf Annual Report 2016-compressed.pdf Annual Report 2017-compressed.pdf Annual Report 2018_compressed.pdf Annual Report 2019_G.PDF Annual Report 2020_final (1).pdf PROTOKOLLI_VERDHE_PERGJITHSHEM.pdf K_P_garanci kontrate_ALB.pdf KP_BANESA_SIVIG_06.12.2019.pdf KUSHTET E PERGJITHESHME TE SIGURIMIT TE MALLRAVE GJATE TRANSPORTIT.pdf Kushtet e pergjithshme KJ.pdf Kushtet e pergjithshme Kufitare.pdf Kushtet e pergjithshme TPL.pdf K_P_Profesionale_Shqip.pdf G_T_Civile_Eng.pdf G_T_Proffesional_Eng.pdf K_P_Civile_Alb.pdf Raporti Vjetor 2021.pdf TRAVEL HEALTH Insurance GENERAL CONDITIONS_english.pdf General Conditions of Health Insurance.pdf General Condition of Personal Accident Insurance.pdf Konsolidimi i tregut të sigurimeve - Në vitin 2022 u paguan 55 milionë euro dëme - SHOQATA].pdf Raporti vjetor 2022 2023.07.27_Kushtet e Pergjitshme SHU_ALB.pdf KP_AP_SIVIG _Shendet.pdf 2024.07.12_Raport Vjetor 2023_Special Purpose Financial Statements.pdf 2024.11.06 Rrjeti mjekesore.pdf 2024.10.02 Jo vetem Tetor.pdf Kushtet Kasko web.pdf