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"Gjon Mili Jazz & Blues Festival", 2nd Edition 

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The Albanian artist Gjon Mili was a master and innovator of photography, a contributor to all social-cultural fields in the United States and around the world. Although he was also an amateur musician who played oboe, Mili had a special connection with jazz music and managed to document it in the 2 most important periods: the Singing Era (beginning of the 20th century, until at the end of World War II) and Modern Jazz, when the musicians of this movement started playing mainly for artistic purposes. Iconic photographs in the film industry during '40 - 60, stamped the status of brilliant artist of Mili. Sigma Vienna Insurance Group, in its daily focus, has among other, financial support through collaborations with private/local entities, for the realization of various artistic, cultural, social, informative, educational and awareness projects. Sigma VIG found interesting the collaboration with National Youth Congress, the organizer of this festival in honor of the work, image and positive message of the multi-dimensional Albanian artist Gjon Mili. At the same time, to inspire and motivate the new generation of Albanian artists, through music and beautiful art of photography, carefully crafted by the artist Mili.



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